Canadian National Recreational Trails Program

canadaThere is good news from the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) as Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs Denis Lebel announced that a portion of a new $10 million dollar investment from the federal government will be available for maintenance and improvement of snowmobile trails. The money will be administered through the National Trails Coalition.

CSOC member organizations currently operate more than 112,320 kilometers of snowmobile trails that span every Canadian province and territory, and the popularity of the sport is responsible for generating a national economic impact estimated to be in excess of $8 billion dollars annually.

Minister Lebel says that by investing wisely in infrastructure, the Canadian government is encouraging job creation, linking communities and increasing recreational opportunities for all Canadians. With this new agreement, the government of Canada continues their commitment to coast-to-coast economic support and excellent recreational lifestyle options for all of their citizens.

The mission statement of the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations reaffirms this, saying that they are “dedicated to providing leadership and environmentally responsible snowmobiling in Canada.”

The CSOC is a national body that serves as the umbrella group for Canada’s many snowmobiling associations and federations, and has been doing so since its formation in 1974.