Transport Your Kayak Safely

hI love to kayak. Thousands of outdoorsmen throughout the country share that love. There’s just something about slicing across the mirror-like surface of a mist covered lake that can’t be matched. Getting your kayak from your home to that lake, though, is an important part of the process, and is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Improperly transporting your kayak can lead to damage or even harm to others or yourself, which is why today we’ll explore the proper way to transport your kayak.

Pre-driving Check

The once or twice-over before you start the engine is important, which is why you always want  to make sure your boat is securely fastened to your car rack before you even put the keys in the ignition.

To check if your kayak is secured properly, you’ll need to grab hold of either end of it and shake it from side to side. If the kayak is correctly secured, the entire car should shift instead of just the boat. Be sure to inspect both bumper lines each time you check your boat, as well.

Make sure your boat is centered on your vehicle properly so that it doesn't impair your view of the road. Furthermore, always be mindful of your spacing between other cars, especially if the ends of your kayak extend beyond the ends of your vehicle.

On the Road

When transporting your kayak, you’ll want to be sure to drive carefully and cautiously. In windy conditions or at high speeds, kayaks can actually affect the handling of some cars, so keep your speed down and try to avoid making any sharp turns or sudden stops.

If possible, check your kayak occasionally throughout your drive. Road vibrations can cause straps to loosen slightly and some boats soften up over time when they’re consistently exposed to the heat of the sun or fluctuations in temperatures due to poor storage conditions.

It can be easy to become so excited and focused on the actual kayaking that we neglect securing the kayak itself properly. Doing so can cause damage to your kayak or if the kayak falls from your vehicle, harm to others on the road, so it’s definitely worth it to take a few moments to securely fasten your kayak to your car.