How to Make Your Own Sand Spikes

Surf fishing is something I feel every angler should try at least once in their life, and it’s a topic I’ve covered in past articles. It requires endurance, patience, and some specialized tackle, such as surf rods, heavy sinkers, and sand spikes. Sand spikes are among the most common tackle items associated with surf fishing, as they allow surf anglers to use multiple rods at once. Another reason they’re so popular and commonly used is that they’re very easy to make at home. Below, you’ll find instructions on how you can fashion your own sand spikes to take with you the next time you hit the beach.

Making a bare-bones sand spike isn’t a very daunting task, and is quite inexpensive, requiring only 2-inch PVC pipe and a handsaw. For this type of sand spike, you’ll need to measure the length from the butt of the rod to the reel seat. To this measurement, you’ll want to add another foot or so, to allow a portion of the spike to be buried in the ground. Next, you’ll need to cut the PVC to this length. Using the saw, you’ll need to cut one end of the PVC at a sharp angle, in order to create a point that can be easily stuck in the ground. After that, saw a rectangular notch in the top of the PVC roughly 3 to 4 inches. This notch is where the reel will rest securely and keep from rotating. To test the spike, plunge it into the ground and place a rod inside, making sure to lodge the reel seat in the notch.

There are occasions when a simple length of PVC isn’t enough, however, and you’ll need to add modifications to your sand spike to get what you need out of it. Terrain where the ground is loose with sand or gravel, or covered with a layer of rocks, will require a little extra help. When faced with situations such as this, you can use an attachment made from a garden post or rebar. Garden posts come in many different sizes and are shaped in a way that holds PVC perfectly. I suggest going with a length of post around 3 feet and secure the PVC to the post using post clamps, which hold the pipe in place very well. The post will go into the ground easier and adds the necessary length to the sand spike when such terrain doesn’t allow PVC alone to do so.

Sand spikes are one of the simplest at-home projects that anglers can perform. The materials are very inexpensive, the tools required to complete the task are found in most garages, and the construction only takes one individual a short amount of time. First time surf fishermen may not need a sand spike on their first trip to the shore, but I guarantee that once you get a taste for surf fishing, you’ll be hooked. Learning how to make your own spike will save money in the long run and the time invested in making the sand spikes will bring you closer to the activity!

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