Should You Use a Casting or Spinning Reel Shark Fishing from Shore?

As we discussed earlier this week, shorefishing for sharks is not an adventure to be taken lightly. These strong fish are infamous for long runs, rolling when hooked, and let’s not forget about the teeth. We explored some of the benefits of both mono and braid when you’re seeking sharks from the shore, and today we’ll do the same with spinning and casting reels. Keep reading to learn which one may the best bet for you.

Again, when it comes to deciding between a spinning reel or casting reel, it’s all about the size and species of the shark. Generally, though, spinning reels are good enough if you’re not targeting anything too big. Most spinning reels made for saltwater, especially the larger sizes from brands like Penn or Shimano, are made strong enough to handle inshore species. Furthermore, spinning reels offer an ease of use and maneuverability that you can’t get from a conventional reel. As touched upon above, though, you could be in for more than your reel can handle if you end up with a big bull or hammerhead on the end of your line.

With a casting reel, you have the ability to use more length of stronger line, along with the extra strength and better drag settings that the reel possesses. While a spinning reel is easier to cast, a nice size shark can be a handful. Casting reels may be more cumbersome to cast, but you can still do so pretty well, even in windy conditions. Well enough for shark fishing, at least.

To each his own when it comes to shorefishing, but when sharks are your quarry, it may be best to go with a motto of mine: “Better to have too much than not enough.” It’s important to do your homework beforehand and get a picture of the average shark size where you’ll be fishing. If they don’t get much bigger than a few feet, a spinning reel will usually do the job. However, when you get into areas where the big boys roam, it might be time to bring out the heavy artillery.