Emergency Fix For a Broken Rod

fisherman on beach

You are on a remote fishing trip, enjoying a day on the water, when the unthinkable happens. You accidently step on your rod and snap it in half.

For many anglers, such a scenario would bring the fishing day to an end, but for the prepared angler, such an emergency has an easy solution.

There is nothing more disheartening than a broken rod, but fortunately there are ways to fix a broken rod, eyelet or reel seat on the fly, and within minutes, be back on the water fishing. The key component in an emergency fix is tape. Any kind of tape will work, but duct tape is the best option, because it is stronger and more durable than other tape products.

Broken Rod

The first step in fixing a broken rod begins with analyzing the break. Is it a clean break, similar to a twig being snapped in half? Or is it a long, shattering break?  If the break falls in the latter category, you can try piecing the two sections together. Hold the two sections in place; then begin wrapping tape around the rod. Wrap a section of tape at either end of the break, and another in the middle of the break. Wrap the tape tightly and smoothly around the rod, to make sure it will hold together.  Once it is taped, test the rod to make sure the fix is solid. If it seems weak, you will need to remove the tape; then break away the shattered lengths of the rod until you have two solid ends, as though the rod has been snapped cleanly in half.

For most rod breaks, the ideal fix is to overlap the two broken sections by five or six inches. Then tape the sections together, wrapping tape on either end, and in the center of the splice. If there are any jagged or sharp sections along the break, make sure to also cover those with tape to avoid having your line snag or knick. This fix only takes a few minutes and you will be back casting in no time.

Broken Eyelet

For a broken eyelet, there is also a simple fix, which involves a paper clip and tape. Bend the paper clip into the shape of an eyelet, with sufficient lengths on either end to anchor the paper clip to the rod. Once it is bent into shape, just tape the eyelet onto the rod and you can return to fishing.

If the rod tip snaps off, the easiest fix is to break off the remainder of the rod, just above the next eyelet.  You will lose some action, but you will be able to cast and land fish, without any problems.

Reel Seat

A broken reel seat can also be repaired quickly in an emergency situation. Again using tape, anchor the reel to the rod by wrapping tape around either end of the reel. In minutes you will be back on the water, catching fish.

The key to emergency rod repair is being prepared. Throw a small roll of duct or electrical tape in your tackle box or fly vest, along with a few paper clips, and you will be ready to repair your rod, should an emergency situation occur.

Photo credit: Dreamstime

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