How to Increase Casting Distance

fisherman casting

Achieving the maximum distance when casting has a variety of benefits to anglers, yet most anglers are unaware of the simple tricks that can add significant distance to their casts. There are a few basics that seem obvious if yHow toou want to cast farther, such as adding more weight to the line, but that is only the beginning when it comes to longer casts.

New line

As monofilament line gets older, it tends to build memory, especially if it is not used very often. When the line sits on a spool for years, it creates curls in the line, which can dramatically reduce your casting distance. These curls create resistance when the line is coming off the reel and moving through the eyes of the rod. If you want to cast farther, keep your reel spooled with new line.


Line with a smaller diameter will travel farther. When purchasing line, check the diameter. Even among lines of the same strength, diameter can vary significantly. Just a .10 difference in line diameter can make a difference.

Full spool

As the amount of line on your reel’s spool decreases, the amount of friction created when it comes off the reel increases. This friction reduces the length of your casts. A reel that is just half full or less will dramatically reduce how far you can cast. Keep your spool full to increase the length of your casts.

Line length

Another factor that can affect the length of a cast is the amount of line that is let out before the cast. Too much or too little line hanging off the end of the rod, before the cast, will reduce casting distance. A good rule of thumb is to allow your bait to hang about ¼ the length of the rod, before your cast.

Load the rod

Allowing your rod to properly load on the back cast, before moving it forward, will dramatically increase the length of your casts. This may take some practice, because it is all about feel. When you are drawing the rod backwards, the rod will be loaded when you feel the weight of the bait at the tip of the rod. This is the point where you need to begin moving the rod forward.  

Stopping point

The point at which you stop your rod in its forward motion also has an effect on casting distance. Ideally, you should stop your rod’s forward movement just past the vertical point. If you stop before the vertical point, it will cause your bait to go too high, losing forward motion. If you go too far beyond the vertical point, the cast will go low, losing distance.

These steps may seem like small things, but in many cases, maximizing your performance on the water is all about doing the little things right. Follow these tips and you will soon be maximizing the distance of your casts.

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