British Angler Snags Line on Wartime Bomb

Fishing is fun because you never know what you’re going to catch. It could be a fish species you’ve never seen, a pair of Nike sneakers or even a bomb. 

Earlier this year we brought you the story of a New Hampshire fisherman who came across a pipe bomb. Now a British angler outside Brean got his line snagged on a wartime ordnance.

As soon as Barish Odemis realized what it was, he called the authorities who had the bomb detonated to much local fanfare. Odemis told that he initially thought his line was snagged on a line. 

“I tried to pull it free, then noticed that in fact it was metal,” he told the web site. “I quickly realized that it looked like an old wartime artillery shell so I took it up the beach to a safe place, away from other people, before I called the police and Coastguard.”

An Army bomb disposal team was dispatched to the beach where they evacuated several homes as a safety precaution before detonating the device under controlled conditions.