How to Prepare Reindeer Testicles

In the wilds of Norway, one of the great hunting rewards is bagging a reindeer. Let’s just hope it’s not Rudolph.

Herds of these hearty animals migrate like they have for thousands of years. A group of hunters recently captured their majestic reindeer hunt for an episode on Youtube’s Fieldsports Channel.

Along with showing viewers how they stalk reindeer, the hunters demonstrate field dressing and preparing the carcass at the cabin. They also sample a hunter’s delicacy: reindeer testicles.

That’s right. These Norwegian mountain man spare no part of the animal.

The precise way to cook a pair of gonads is not difficult. First remove the outer skin so that the testicles resemble pieces of fish. This tender piece of meat can then be salted and sauteed in butter. Add a little reindeer fat with some extra flavor and you’ve got yourself a pure mountain delight. Skip to the 5:30 mark for cooking portion of the video below.

Photo credit: Dreamstime