Jeepers Unite for Ultimate Adventure

The definition of adventure is often about embracing the unexpected. That’s what anyone with a proper rig who signs up for the aptly named Ultimate Adventure is in for.

Since 1999, the weeklong summer caravan/jeeping extravaganza takes extreme off-roading to the ultimate limit on a tour of backwaters across America. Component failure is expected and the challenge has many fronts.

Participants come from all walks of life and they need to pack everything they’ll need for the trip without compromising their vehicle’s weight. They also need to be able to build and drive a vehicle capable of handling some of the world’s toughest off-road trails as well as the highway.

But maybe the best part is that nobody in the group except the leader knows where they’re going and what they will be doing.

This year’s adventure took the group through Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Drivers brought their specialty rigs from all over the country to take part in the fun.

And they all had to bring canoes. Why? It’s an adventure, that’s why. A 150-foot-wide body of water was to be included in the trip. Of course.

Peterson’s Four Wheel and Off Road Magazine hosts the adventure each year, and all participants can be assured that mud will be involved. It really is like summer camp for grown-ups, with jeeps. And like camp, there are specific guidelines and rules that ensure safety.

Drivers needed working licenses, roll cages, fire extinguishers and first-aid kits, just to name a few items. Tow capabilities, however, were not included, so drivers had to be able to keep their rigs running. Basically, if you break down and can’t fix your rig in time, you’re out. That’s not something you’d want to write home about. And don’t forget the s’mores.

To learn how you can participate in the next ultimate adventure visit

Photo credit: Youtube