Rare Blue Lobster Caught in Massachusetts

If you’re into following unusually colored creatures hauled out of the water, you’ll recall the psychedelic orange bass or the rainbow lobster. Well, now there was a one-in-a-million blue lobster reportedly caught by a man from Massachusetts.

Biologists say blue lobsters are extremely rare, but not unheard of. Wayne Nickerson, who let out a yelp when he saw the bright blue critter in his catch outside Plymouth, had reportedly caught one decades ago, his wife told the Associated Press. 

RELATED: That’s One Trippy Lobster

The chances of catching a blue lobster are one in two million, according to the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine. Even more rare than a blue lobster is a bright red one before it’s cooked, which occurs in just one in 10 million.

The good fortune is one the Nickerson’s probably wished he could put toward a lottery ticket, but the blue water bug is still likely worth something.

The couple nicknamed the lobster Bleu and was holding it in a tank with plans to donate it to the New England Aquarium, which expressed at least some hopeful interest in making room for the little guy.

RELATED: Florida Angler Lands Psychedelic Orange Bass 

Photo credit: Flickr CC



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