Red Bull Athlete on Pace to Set New Appalachian Trail Record

There is a new attempt to beat the Appalachian Trail record underfoot by Red Bull athlete Karl Meltzer, and he looks to be on pace to crush it. 

Last year, Scott Jurek set a new AT record, covering the 2,160-mile trail in just 46 days. That meant a blistering pace of nearly 47 miles per day. Meltzer, nearing a full month on the trail, is pacing even faster. 

They don’t call Meltzer the speed goat for nothing. The ultrarunner gained the nickname after demonstrating near inhuman feats of endurance. Meltzer has the distinction of winning more 100-mile races than anyone on earth.

RELATED: Scott Jurek on Why He Tortures Himself


In 2008, Meltzer attempted to best the AT record only to be slowed by tendonitis. He still managed to set the fourth fastest time, however. This year, he started his journey from the north on Mt. Katahdin in Maine. Jurek, meanwhile, started in the south.

Both men needed the full support of friends and family to supply meals and shelter along the way. You can follow Meltzer’s journey through Red Bull.

A diary kept by his support team indicate that Meltzer had battled shin pain, but has now worked through it and is pacing ahead of schedule.  

Photo credit: Red Bull Content Pool


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