Not Warm Enough in Your Sleeping Bag?

sleeping bagWhen winter arrives, it’s understandable that we get a little more chilly at night, especially when we’re camping. However, some people tend to be cold sleepers, and have trouble staying warm even in the spring or fall, as well. Today, I’ve got a few tips to help the cold sleepers out there stay a little warmer in their sleeping bags.

One of the more obvious solutions for staying warmer in your sleeping bag is to add more layers to your clothing. Wear midlayers or even your outer shell if there’s room, and feel free to put on gloves or a hat, even, if you’re still not warm enough. To help with blood circulation, it’s mart to remove any constricting clothing or anything with a tight waistband. You can also add a layer to your sleeping bag by bringing a flannel sheet for added insulation. I like to take a full-size sheet and sew it in the shape of a sleeping bag to use as an internal sleeve during cooler seasons.

Another way to keep warm is to use a sleeping pad. A thick sleeping pad will help insulate against the cold ground. I’ve seen people use pads that are a few inches thick, stack two pads together, or even lay their sleeping pad on top of an empty backpack or unused clothing for added insulation.

Some sleeping bags have draft collars and some don’t. If you know you’re a cold sleeper, it’s smart to buy one with a draft collar right off the bat, but you can also make one of your own if needed. Simply wrap a shirt around your neck to keep cold air from seeping into your bag.

Lastly, it might be time to turn the heat on. To do this, fill a sturdy bottle with hot water (not boiling) and wrap the bottle in a piece of clothing. Then, keep the bottle between your legs or against your chest while you sleep for added warmth.

If you find that the above solutions aren’t helping, then it may be time to invest in a warmer bag. The weather’s not going to warm up just for you, so the only thing you can do to counter the cold nights is to prepare yourself a little better. Hopefully, the tips outlined today will help turn up the temperature in your sleeping bag the next time you spend the night in the outdoors. 

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