Common Outdoor Uses for P-Cord

p cordParachute cord (p-cord) bracelets have grown quite popular over the last few years. They’ve helped advertise for companies, fundraise for good causes, and are available in a wide variety of colors and styles. However, they’re much more than a fad; they are vital tools for survival and can be lifesavers in an emergency. I’ve spent some time compiling a list (in no particular order) of potential uses for p-cord, in hopes of helping those of you who are unfamiliar with the versatility of it better prepare yourself for possible emergencies.

Full Cord

Tie tarp to trees

Lanyard to hold small items, such as a small LED light, knife, keys

Spare boot laces or belt

Dog leash

Wrap a knife handle for a secure grip

Bow drill

Clothes line

Improvise a sling if you’re injured

Carry gear on your back when you don’t have a rucksack

Headband or hair tie

Bundling around firewood for easy carry

Tie on to a sled so you can drag it

Hang a light

Improvise a fuse

Hanging your hammock

Emergency Tourniquet

Replacing a drawstring cord on a sleeping bag or backpack

Tent guy lines

Make a rudimentary stretcher by lashing poles together and making a net

Tie poles together to make a shelter

Lash a blade to a long pole to use as a spear

Lowering equipment down cliff edges

Create a snare

Bow string for a bow and arrow

Hanging a kill or your rucksack out of reach of animals at night

Make a sling for killing small animals

Inner strands

Emergency snare

Fishing line, or even fish net if you have enough

Floss with the inner strands

Emergency suture

Emergency sewing thread

Thread for field repair on multiple items

There are, of course, dozens of other context-specific uses for p-cord, as well as ways to use the cord for personal entertainment (knot-tying practice, swing, etc.), but the ones listed above are some of the more useful and popular in survival situations. I suggest keeping a good length of bundled rope on hand, as well as a bracelet or two. You can even by fixed blade knives that come equipped with a p-cord wrapped handle. While some may think that it’s “cool” to wear a p-cord bracelet, the thin, but strong, rope is incredibly handy in the outdoors, so be sure to always have some nearby. 

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