Exercise for the Mind, Body and Hunter

Hunting, though it seems like a seasonal sport, is not. There is much involved in the hunt including the scouting, the waiting, the looking, the searching, and of course the firing.

All of these things may sound relatively effortless, but we know they require much skill and conditioning. So it is important to stay fit year round to maintain that hunter’s edge.

Consider partaking in one, two, or all of these things to help improve your own agility and endurance when out on the hunt.  


That’s right, you guessed it. Yoga begins with proper breathing, and with proper breathing, you can do anything better and faster, including shooting. You don’t have to go to a yoga class (I know it can be a little intimidating) just do a quick search on the internet. Find a person whose style you enjoy; unlike a yoga class, you choose the instructor.


Yes, you knew this was coming. Personally, I love running, but I know that not all of you share this same fondness. If you are a runner, keep it going, you know that. But if you aren’t, give it a try. Start slow, don’t set any expectations, just run. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow; if you stick with it, it is sure to get easier.


Alright, I know, you don’t want to run. If you don’t want to run, walk. Walking, contrary to popular belief, is not a waste of time but is excellent exercise for the body and mind. Despite the similarity between running and walking, walking builds its own kind of endurance separate from that which running builds.

Strength Training

You don’t have to get crazy with this, unless you particularly enjoy it. Still, incorporating strength training into any exercise plan is a good idea. After all, you do have to climb into various tree stands, or maybe you need a heavier pack for where you’re going. Using your own body weight is an effective and inexpensive way to build that strength – look to your yoga practices to avoid injury.

Outdoors Recreation

And of course, any other outdoors activities such as climbing, kayaking, hiking, etc. Again, some of these are not directly related to hunting, but simply because you are outdoors and your heart is beating will help maintain your condition on or off-season. Hiking is certainly a closer relative than kayaking, but know that even kayaking is doing its part in working those shoulders for a steadier firearm hold.

© Pavol Stredansky | Dreamstime.com – Trail running man

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