Wiggys Sleeping Bag

Wiggy’s Sleeping Bags Not Just for Sleeping

Wiggys Sleeping BagAlthough I do occasionally receive products to review, I have no affiliation or arrangement for Wiggy’s Inc. which happens to make the best valued sleeping bags on the planet. And by value, I not only mean price but I also mean usefulness and utility. I recently put a Wiggy’s Ultra-Light sleeping bag through hell, and it possibly saved my life.

On a recent Alaskan hunt for Mountain Caribou, I found myself stranded between two rising rivers.  I had waded across a fork of a river with the hopes of hunting, but a massive storm moved into the area and I was soon confined to my Wiggy’s bag while seeking shelter in a small tent.

I battled five inches of ice and snow, and then I battled constant rain and wind. No matter what kind of backpacking tent you have, it will not stay waterproof forever and in these brutal conditions it began to fail.

At first it was an errant drop of moisture dripping on me. Then, those intermittent drops turned into steady drips and soon I was perpetually wiping the inside of my tent with a towel to control the leaks. Eventually, my bag was wet and I had run out of ways to keep warm. The temperature was always dancing around freezing and all I could do was stay in my bag and hope Wiggy’s reputation was accurate.

As an outdoorsman, it was my fault I was in a potentially life and death situation. Although I had fire starting material, there was no fire making material in the barren tundra where I lay. I could have burned some gear for temporary warmth, but that would have been the ultimate last resort and a brief one at that. I had put myself into a situation that relied on a piece of gear to keep me safe and my Wiggy’s sleeping bag delivered. It kept me warm while wet. Down sleeping bags can’t do that. In fact, even most synthetic bags cannot accomplish that feat.

My bag was rated for 20 degrees and even when wet, it kept its rating.  Wiggy’s bags are filled with a material they call Lamilite, which is a light weight “lofty” insulation which keeps body heat contained. Trust me, it works and you can search Youtube for videos of Wiggy’s sleeping bags doing even more than what mine had to do.

If you ever cut corners on hunting or camping gear, do not scrimp on sleeping bags and please take my word for it, you will never find a reasonably priced sleeping bag that can deliver like a Wiggy’s can.

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