Proposed New California Gun Laws Would Further Regulate Ammo

California gun laws are already among the strictest in the country,  but now voters in November stand to make restrictions on ammunition purchases even stronger.

Voters will decide this year on Proposition 63, which would require that purchasers of ammunition obtain a state permit. The measure would also ban any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds.

The state already requires a 10-day background check to purchase a firearm and a similar background to buy ammunition. It also bans assault weapons and .50 caliber ammunition, above and beyond federal law. Gun manufacturers must also register with the state in an increasingly restrictive process that in a sense has prohibited the sale of new handguns.

While many California gun laws are currently tied up in courts, judges in California have generally upheld the restrictions as within the Constitution. But many are saying this latest measure sponsored by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom goes too far. Among them is Olympic shooter Kim Rhode who estimates it takes about 800 rounds of ammunition per day to excel at her sport.

“If Gavin Newsom has his way, it’ll make it incredibly hard to keep up my skills,” Rhode told Mother Jones.

So far the supporters of the measure have raised at least $4.7 million to opponent’s $654 thousand, according to Ballotpedia. The NRA has donated just $45,000 to defeating the measure.

Another step that Prop 63 would take in California is to proactively strip individuals of their firearm through a court order if for whatever reason they become prohibited from owning a gun.

The Republican Party and the California Police Chief’s Association have also voiced opposition saying it would reverse exemptions that allow officers and police departments to purchase ammunition.

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