What the Election Means for Gun Rights

Voters in three states approved tougher gun control measures in nationwide elections on Tuesday while they rejected stricter measures in another.

In Nevada, voters passed universal background checks for private gun sales, while voters rejected a similar measure in Maine. In Washington, voters passed a measure giving judges the power to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. And in California, voters approved the toughest measure that would, among other things, require background checks to purchase ammunition.

Each of the measures was adamantly opposed by the National Rifle Association, which poured millions of dollars into opposition campaigns. Proponents had a few friends with deep pockets as well with Michael Bloomberg contributing $5 million to the effort in Maine, according to Time.

When it comes to the 2nd Amendment, voters who helped elect Donald Trump did so with the belief that any Supreme Court justice he appoints would defend the right to bear arms.