Florida Kayaker Hooks 552-Pound Goliath Grouper

Here’s a story for anyone who ever questioned the ability to catch big fish off a kayak. An angler reeled in a 552-pound goliath grouper off a fishing kayak recently out of Cape Coral, Florida.

Jon Black from Crazy Lure Tackle Shop still had a pretty hard time bringing the giant grouper to the surface and even broke his rod on the final push. It was all worth it, though to bag such an amazing fish on camera

A little further south on Sanibel Island another goliath grouper was caught earlier this year by a couple surf casting on the beach. The pair faced criticism for the way they allowed the fish to beach itself, which could have caused irreparable organ damage. 

Looking to fish off a kayak in your local waters? Here are some great options to provide you the all-time best experience. 

Photo credit: Youtube screenshot