Comedian and animal rights activist Ricky Gervais stirred things up in the hunting world recently when he posted a photo to social media of a giraffe hunter with a rhetorical question. Apparently the comment sparked death threats toward the hunter.
What must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal & then lie next to it smiling?
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) April 13, 2015
“What must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal & then lie next to it smiling?” the comedian asked.
The giraffe was shot and killed by Rebecca Francis, who has gained notoriety in recent years for having won the Extreme Huntress reality show competition in 2010.
In response to the criticism, Francis wrote in a statement to HuntingLife’s Facebook page that she shot the giraffe on request by the locals in Africa on a hunt that took place five years ago. She said local guides told her the giraffe was close to death and had been kicked out of its herd. The animal would likely die naturally and go to waste, she said.
“He was inevitably going to die soon and he could either be wasted or utilized by the local people. I chose to honor his life by providing others with his uses and I do not regret it for one second,” she wrote.
We just connected with Rebecca Francis and got a statement on her Giraffe hunt that anti-hunters are attacking her for. …
Posted by on Tuesday, April 14, 2015
On her website and Facebook page, Francis can be seen posing with lots of other big game animals including sheep, moose, bear and lions. The mother to three children, five step-children and eight grandchildren, Francis is not alone in her pursuit of exotic game. Tens of thousands of hunters travel to Africa each year to hunt giraffes for a cost of around $3,000.
Earlier this month, one of the show’s more recent contestants Amanda Rochelle Lowry came under fire for allegedly hunting without a license.
© Mckown | – Giraffe Photo
Hottest Women of Hunting
Junie Pack
As beautiful as they are deadly, we bring you the Hottest Women of Huting starting with the star of Just Junie on Sportsman Channel
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Taylor Altom
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Taylor Altom
Photo credit: Facebook
Taylor Altom
Photo credit: Facebook
Taylor Altom
Photo credit: Facebook
Taylor Altom
Photo credit: Facebook
Taylor Altom
Photo credit: Facebook
Jen "The Archer" Cordaro is an archer, angler, hunter, bow fisher and outdoor enthusiast who promotes wildlife conservation and the shooting sports.
Jen "The Archer" Cordaro @Facebook
Jen "The Archer" Cordaro @Facebook
Jen "The Archer" Cordaro @Facebook
Jen "The Archer" @Facebook
Rebecca Wolfe
Rebecca takes a lot of pride in the fact that she’s been hunting since she was conceived… Well, her mother did some hunting while she was pregnant, so we guess that counts. Regardless, Rebecca is a very accomplished bow hunter and has taken home a number of trophies that would make any hunter (man or woman) jealous.
Image Credit: Rebecca Wolfe Facebook
Rebecca Wolfe
Image Credit: Rebecca Wolfe Facebook
Rebecca Wolfe
Image Credit: Rebecca Wolfe Facebook
Salome de Velliers
Salome de Velliers is a hunter and guide at Marvel Africa Hunting Safaris in South Africa where she and her husband lead hunting parties for exotic species.
Image Credit: Marvel Safaris Facebook
Salome de Velliers
Image Credit: Marvel Safaris Facebook
Salome de Velliers
Image Credit: Marvel Safaris Facebook
Salome de Velliers
Image Credit: Marvel Safaris Facebook
Salome de Velliers
Image Credit: Marvel Safaris Facebook
Tiffany Lakosky
Star of the hit Outdoor Channel show Crush, Tiffany Lakosky started her career as an airline attendant before taking up archery. Her love of hunting came as a result of determination and a little support from husband Lee. Together they run a land management company and support the sport of hunting through appearances and events.
Image Credit: The Crush with Lee & Tiffany Facebook
Tiffany Lakosky
Image Credit: Tiffany Lakosky Facebook
Eva Shockey
The first lady of hunting, this gorgeous hunter has the pedigree of a true outdoorswoman. Daughter of legendary hunter, Jim Shockey, Eva is known as much for her good looks as she is for her skill with a rifle. But don’t start heading to Canada yet guys, she’s engaged to a pretty big dude. The lucky guy is Tim Brent, a center for the Magnitka of the KHL.
Image Credit: Eva Shockey Facebook
Eva Shockey
Image Credit: Eva Shockey Facebook
Eva Shockey
Image Credit: Eva Shockey Facebook
Eva Shockey
Image Credit: Eva Shockey Facebook
Sunny Leigh Shipley
Along with being a co-host on the Outdoor Channel's The Bucks of Tecomate, this blond bombshell is also a songwriter. Her husband and fellow co-host is Jordan Shipley, a former Texas Longhorn, two time All-American receiver and third round draft choice of the Cincinnati Bengals.
Image Credit: @SunnyShiply Twitter
Sunny Leigh Shipley
Image Credit: @SunnyShiply Twitter
Sunny Leigh Shipley
Image Credit: @SunnyShiply Twitter
Kendall Jones
While she is reported to be a great cheerleader at Texas Tech, it’s her hunting skills that have us most impressed. By the age of 9 she and her father had already taken their first hunting trip to Africa. And, at age 19 she had taken out two of the “Big Five” African animals known to be the most prized trophies in the world. Did we mention that she’s gorgeous? Because there’s that too.
Image Credit: Kendall Jones Facebook
Kendall Jones
Image Credit: Kendall Jones Facebook
Kendall Jones
Image Credit: Kendall Jones Facebook
Kendall Jones
Image Credit: Kendall Jones Facebook
Kendall Jones
Image Credit: Kendall Jones Facebook
Theresa Vail
Theresa Vail was the host of her own show on the Outdoor Channel called Limitless with Theresa Vail when she got into hot water in December 2015 for an illegal bear kill. The news brought her some bad publicity, but this former Miss Kansas continues to host the NRA's All Access program.
Image Credit: Theresa Vail Facebook
Theresa Vail
Image Credit: Theresa Vail Facebook
Nikki Boxler
Having grown up on one of the largest dairy farms in western New York, Nikki credits her love of hunting to her father. She is currently a hunting professional for Under Armour and RealTree, appearing frequently on various television programs and in-person appearances.
Image Credit: @NikkiBoxler Twitter
Nikki Boxler
Image Credit: @NikkiBoxler Twitter
Nikki Boxler
Image Credit: @NikkiBoxler Twitter
Nikki Boxler
Image Credit: @NikkiBoxler Twitter
Nikki Boxler
Image Credit: @NikkiBoxler Twitter
Nikki Boxler
Image Credit: @NikkiBoxler Twitter
Haley Heath
One of the most outspoken advocates of hunting, Haley Heath is very well known for her enthusiasm about the sport. She’s also one of the most gorgeous rifle-wielding women that you’ll ever find. But what’s most refreshing about Haley Heath is that she’s about as well spoken and intelligent as she is pretty.
Image Credit: Haley Heath Twitter
Haley Heath
Image Credit: @Haley_Heath Twitter
Nicole Jones Reeve
Another Outdoor Channel regular, Nicole Jones Reeve stars in a show called Driven. That title applies to a heck of a lot more than the way that Nicole acts while the camera is on. This accomplished hunter has bagged herself more than her fair share of game and her skill with a compound bow is unparalleled.
Image Credit: DrivenTV Twitter
Julie Kreuter
A Nebraska native, Julie grew up hunting with her family at an early age. Of course, it wouldn’t be until college where she would pick up a bow. Her skill with the weapon was apparent, as her first kill was a 150’s class whitetail! Nice shot, Julie.
Image Credit: BeyondtheHuntTV Instagram
Women of Weatherby
Image Credit: @Haley_Heath Twitter
Michaelka Fialova
Michaelka's Hunting @Facebook
Michaelka Fialova
Michaelka's Hunting @Facebook
Kendall Jones
Image credit: Sexy Female Hunters @Facebook
Hottest Women of Hunting #50
Image credit: Sexy Female Hunters @Facebook
Michaelka Fialova
Michaelka's Hunting @Facebook
Emily from Australia
Michaelka Fialova
Michaelka's Hunting @Facebook
Michaelka Fialova
Michaelka's Hunting @Facebook