Female Bow Hunter Bags Polar Bear

Female Bow Hunter Bags Polar Bear

Now here is a female hunter with nerves of steel. A Fairbanks woman put down a giant middle-aged polar bear in Canada recently with a bow and arrow.

Seasoned hunter Anna Norris Vorisek shot the bear with one shot to the chest at about 30 yards, according to a report by the News Miner. She reportedly practiced all winter with 230-grain arrowhead that she could hit a target at 40 yards.

While it’s illegal to hunt polar bears in the U.S., Vorisek and her husband travelled to northeastern Canada for this one. They won’t be able to take the skin home because of U.S. law either, and the meat went to local community.

Every year, about 30 polar bears are hunted outside Grise Fiord, Canada. The Voriseks took six airplanes to reach the town of 130 people. Under Canadian law, only native tribes are allowed to hunt polar bear though exceptions are made for foreign trophy hunters like Anna.

In 2010, she became the first woman to achieve a Grand Slam in sport hunting, which means you have to document taking four varieties of North American sheep. Now she is on her way to accomplishing the Super Slam, which means taking 29 North American big game animals. The polar bear is by far one of the most challenging and dangerous.

Anna’s husband Ken Vorisek, himself a Grand Slam hunter, replaced his rifle for a video camera recently. You can watch the resulting film of the pair’s hunting exploits below.

Journey Of A Woman’s Arrow from Ken Vorisek on Vimeo.

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