Economic Impact of Snowmobiling

arctic catAmericans love their recreation, and outdoor activities are a huge economic driver. A recent study found that consumer spending on outdoor recreation generated in excess of $646 billion dollars in national sales and services in the United States last year. And snowmobilers in North America are certainly a key factor, generating more than $30 billion dollars directly related to their sport, with expenditures on equipment, clothing and accessories, rentals and snowmobiling trips and vacations.

This economic impact includes approximately 100,000 jobs, many in rural America, and a significant amount of tax revenue from businesses related to the industry – manufacturers, hotels and resorts, service stations and more, plus millions of dollars in gas taxes that help to build trails and trail heads, and the roadways to snowmobiling destinations. It’s impressive to realize that the direct impact of this family-friendly sport provides employment opportunities for hundreds of workers in hospitality and tourism industries, and continues to have a positive effect on the economies of snow states.

Snowmobiling has rapidly become an important cog in the economic engine for winter tourism areas. Because of the growing number of enthusiasts who love the sport and recognize it as a family-friendly winter activity, tourist destinations in snow areas are investing in infrastructure of trails and related accommodations, knowing they can generate healthy economic activity by welcoming snowmobilers to visit and enjoy the area. This in turn creates more jobs and more financial stability for their region.

The trend is likely to continue, with the snowmobile enthusiasts reporting that on average, they take eight snowmobile-related trips per winter. A typical trip is of two days duration, and these sportsmen boost the local economy with spending on everything from accommodations, meals, and gas to a variety of other travel and recreational-related purchases. 

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