Giant Gator Wrangled in Texas Shopping Center

A giant alligator dubbed “Godzilla” graced the parking lot of a Texas shopping center recently, and that’s not even the most dramatic part. 

When locals called the authorities about the 12-foot long gator in Sugar Land, Texas a police officer showed up along with certified wrangler Christy Kroboth.

Now Christy, who is licensed by the state to handle alligators, doesn’t look like your typical gator wrangler, so it was somewhat of a shock when the young blond woman fearlessly straddled the massive 800-pounder and tried to get her arms around its jaws.  

The lizard king had a shirt over its eyes, but that didn’t make much of a difference as he bucked the woman off with a flick of its tail.

“We tried to do a front catch with him where you hold jaws and get him taped.  But he was so big his jaws were too big for my hands.  I couldn’t get my hands to fit around his mouth,” she told KPRC in Houston.

The pair eventually managed the get the gator subdued. It was then transported to a wildlife sanctuary where it will live out the remainder of its natural life. The gator was estimated to currently be 50-years-old.

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