Firearms Friendly? How Does Your State Rank?

How gun friendly is your state? Well now is the chance to find out.

A recent national survey of “best states” for the firearms industry put Idaho on top and Delaware on the absolute bottom. Following Idaho, in order, are Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and Arkansas. The bottom five states were Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Delaware.

The survey looked at a variety of factors, including firearms industry activity, gun ownership, and contributions to members of congress.

The survey was conducted by WalletHub, a financial services firm based in Washington, D.C.

How does your state rank?

Source: WalletHub

Idaho ranked first in a national survey of firearms industry activity, gun ownership, overall prevalence of guns, and contributions to congress on gun issues. 

The Gem State has aggressively recruited the firearms industry as part of its economic development efforts. Almost 200 companies employ some 3,000 people and contribute $500 million to the Idaho economy.

Last year Idaho sent a letter to 79 out-of-state gun manufacturers encouraging them to consider moving to Idaho. The letter began with a quote from Governor “Butch” Otter:

“Here in Idaho, gun ownership is more than a constitutional right; it’s a way of life. That’s why I’m personally extending an invitation for you to grow your bottom line here in Idaho and joint the business momentum we are experiencing in Idaho.”

Interestingly, Idaho ranked number one in per capita contributions to pro-gun control congress members, and only fourth in contributions to pro-2nd amendment legislators.

In actual gun ownership Idaho ranked third, behind Alaska and Arkansas.

To see how your state ranks by the various measurements see the study calculator.

Photo credit: Dreamstime