New World Record Moose Announced in Colorado

The Pope and Young Club announced this week that it had likely scored a new record shiras moose.

The record is still subject to a panel of judges, so it might change, but officials are pretty certain it will stand. 

Bobby Hebert from Golden, Colorado shot the most recent record-breaker on Oct 8, 2015 after the moose came within nine yards of him. 

The shiras moose is a subspecies predominantly located in Southwest Canada but also extending south into the United States. 

The Pope and Young awards are based on measuring the animal’s rack, and this one scored 8 2/8th inch higher than the current world record sent in 1987. 

Hebert said he and a hunting partner had gone back out to an area where they had been calling the night before when they spotted the moose. Locals had named the giant Yukon Jack. 

“The massive bull grunted with every step as he walked by me at 9 yards,” Hebert said in a press release. “I took a single step and let loose with my arrow, watching it strike home. He ran off about 40 yards and fell over.”

But when the hunter found the animal, it was standing up. So he shot it another time and he disappeared back into the trees.

“We found him lying down with his head behind a pine about 20 yards away,” Hebert said. “I nocked another arrow, let it fly and it hit true. He ran another 35 yards and collapsed. I literally shed tears of reverence and joy, giving thanks to the Man upstairs.  I am incredibly grateful to have taken part in this once-in-a-lifetime hunt.” 

Ed Fanchin, Pope and Young Club’s Records Chairman said the size of the moose is a testament of sound conservation work and game management.

“It’s great to know that animals of this class are currently roaming the woods,” Fanchin said. “What I like most is the story behind Bobby’s hunt, and how it was a true example of Fair Chase, ethical bowhunting.”

Photo credit: Pope and Young Club

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