Rapid Proposal Goes Rapidly Wrong

A man out rafting with his friends on a class IV run had the fine idea of proposing to his lady while underway, but the rapids had other plans.

When he actually got down on one knee as the craft was rolling through the water to present the ring, he was clearly putting it all on the line, and waiting for his lady to reject him was the logical next step.

But instead, even though he’d taken precautions to keep the ring safe with a chain around his neck, a splash of water managed to take the ring.

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As an old salt once told me, “The sea’s got fingers. It can undo knots.”

So now we have a young man who seems to be starting his married life having been irresponsible with valuables. The crew look frantically for the rock, while a pall of gloom threatens to descend on the party. But maybe towards the end, a happy ending arises.

Perhaps. But there’s  still a lesson in these outdoor proposals. We saw this last year when a man proposing to his girlfriend on a cliff face got stuck on a rock and then arrested. And make sure you have a solid grip on the ring if you’re gonna propose in class IV rapids.