Tasks Every Hunter Should Master, Part Nine

NOV#9PicAs hunters, we have a lot of responsibility when it comes to following rules and representing all other hunters in our actions. However, being a hunter requires a lot more than just good stewardship and being generally responsible; it requires extra skills and abilities. Here are some tasks that every hunter should master.

Gathering Intel

Have you ever wondered why it seems like a small group of hunters are often successful year after year, season after season, when other hunters are not? What is it about them that makes them so lucky all the time? I know a few of those guys and there really isn’t much luck to how they triumph in hunting. They work harder than most people at what they do and they have a knack for gathering information regarding the animals they are targeting. Here are a few ways that you can gain an edge on your hunting competition.

I write about it every year, but contacting your local game processor can change your world when it comes to finding out who hunts what and where they do it. As opposed to your local taxidermist, which is next on this list of resources for gathering info, a game processor doesn’t have the same loyalty code as a taxidermist does. For example, hunters with trophies expect a taxidermist to maintain a certain level of client-hunter privilege much like a lawyer and client have. However, a butcher is in the meat business, not the trophy business, and most hunters don’t think twice about spilling the beans to their game processors.

Finding a Hunting Lease

Everyone knows where the big hunting leases are but how do you find the smaller, affordable ones? It’s as easy as looking at a satellite photo. If you can find a small plot of land in the middle of a large green belt or between two awesome farms, you have a good start. Even better, if you can find a small piece of land on a major waterway that is infested with trees, you most likely will have a rut hotspot without even having to scout. 

You can start your search by placing an ad in a local newspaper. While most of the world uses the internet, older people who are more apt to own land will most likely be perusing their local paper. The internet and radio can also be helpful places to place ads announcing that you are looking for a small piece of hunting ground. With some imagination, you can find your own micro-lease in a strategic spot that could produce a trophy of a lifetime.