10-year-old Girl Takes Down 800-pound Alligator

Down on the Gulf Coast of Texas there is a 10-year-old girl that’s become a hunting sensation for taking down a 13-foot alligator with a crossbow.

Little Ella Hawk is somewhat of a robin hood with the quivers. With the gator baited and hooked from the other bank, Ella’s first shot with a crossbow hit the massive 800-pound gator between the eyes. She then hit it with two more insurance shots, one of which split the first arrow. She followed that up with a pistol shot, which again split the arrow.

The girl, who’s an experienced hunter having taken down antelope and deer in the past, was hunting gators with her father Tony and guide Ryan Longer on the Guadalupe River. Longer who runs the guiding company Longer’s Outdoors told the Victorian Advocate newspaper the gator was large enough to be the “pinnacle for the year.”

The kill reportedly ranked No. 1 in Trophy Game Records of the World’s database, according to the Advocate.

Had the girl not made such a swift kill shot, a fight with the gator could have been quite prolonged as gators are known to put up quite a tussle. Typically gators can wrestle for hours, pulling boats across lakes and rivers with ease. Hunters might hook the beast with grappling hooks until they finally get close enough for a kill shot. 

Expect to see fearless little Ella behind the muzzle or crossbow sometime soon. 

Photo credit: Longer’s Outdoors