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Shark Falls From Sky in Virginia Beach

For kids playing in the backyard of a home in Virginia Beach, Virginia it was a shock of a lifetime. A shark had fallen from the sky.

It was just a baby shark and it likely fell from the grips of a raptor, but it still got the kids excited, Sue Bowser told CNN affiliate WAVY. 

“The kids found it and they came up stairs and they were real excited and they said we found a shark,” Bowser said.

The sand shark, about a foot long, was dead on the concrete, and they could see where talons had punctured it’s side and likely hauled it off. The bird must have dropped it going from the ocean to its nesting site.

“This shark could have landed anywhere,” said Bowswer, who’s preserving the specimen in her freezer alongside the hamburgers and hot dogs. She wants to at least hold onto it until guests come next week. “I just think it’s so unique,” she said.

Following a spate of shark attacks off the Carolinas, this just might be the summer of shark. Marine biologists believe that even though shark populations are at all-time lows, greater numbers of visitors to the beaches have increased encounters. In two attacks last month, both victims suffered severed limbs.  

As strange as it might seem, this is not the first time a shark has fallen from the skies. In 2012, a shark fell onto a California golf course. As for many more sharks falling from the skies, it’s unlikely. 

“This could be the shark house,” Bowser said. “But hopefully there won’t be anymore.”

© Pstedrak | Dreamstime.comBaby Shark Carcass Photo

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