Hiker Rescued After Being Pinned for 10 Hours

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It could have been a lot worse for New Hampshire hiker Travis Pinn. The 55-year-old, who was heading up Mount Monadnock literally got himself pinned between upside down two boulders with no help in sight. 

After Pinn became separated from friends just 30 minutes into their hike to the top of the peak, he fell and tried to use a tree to stabilize himself. But the tree gave way and Pinn fell head first into a bottle neck ravine. When he came to rest he found himself upside down and stuck. He tried to pry himself free, but no luck. So all he could do was holler ever few minutes and wait for help. 

“There was a time when I didn’t think I was going to make it out,” he told the Fox television affiliate in Boston.

After 10 hours, New Hampshire Conservation Officers finally arrived and hauled him out. He then spent three days in the hospital. Getting through the ordeal, he said he looked toward the stars as night fell and prayed. 

“Reflecting back on a lot of things, you learn to say your prayers and put things in perspective,” he said.

Photo credit: Flickr CC

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